Bangladesh & The Danger of Being Non-Religious

by “Rafi”

Bangladesh is a country in south Asia. It was previously known as East Pakistan. It became independent in 1971 through a bloody liberation war which was mainly fought because west Pakistan (Currently Pakistan) was oppressing east Pakistan (Bangladesh). Bangladesh is also the only country in the world whose nationals shed blood for their mother language and liberation.


  1. Recently, COVID 19 has destroyed many jobs, industries, factories etc and many people find themselves struggling financially.

2. On 25 August 2017, 742000 Rohingya took refuge in Bangladesh fleeing from Myanmar. This crisis is putting huge pressure on Bangladesh economy. There are now 1.2 million Rohingya living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazaar, over half of whom are children. The refugees lack access to services, education, food, clean water, and sanitation.

3. Political clashes and religious fights are also very common here.

4. The population of the country is increasing day by day. The area of Bangladesh is too small to support its vast population.Reasons like Polygamy, marriage on early age, illiteracy, having unprotected sex and expecting male children are the main causes of population problem.

5. Health care is a major problem in Bangladesh. There is shortage of physicians,nurses, specialists and other medical professionals.Rural areas have poor access to health care system.


Poverty is a major concern in Bangladesh. Shortly after its independence in 1971, approximately 90% of the population lived under the poverty line. The main reasons are low urbanization, inadequate physical infrastructure, gender discrimination etc.

Religious beliefs:

Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country. There are also Hindus, Buddhist,christian and other minorities.

Dangers of being non religious:

There are lots of dangers in being non religious in Bangladesh. In schools, college, university and other educational institutions, there are examples of students being expelled for being non religious. People also lose their job when the employer knows the person is non religious. Other employees also don't want to work with someone who's not religious and discriminate against him. The government also jails people who publicly speak out against Islam for hurting religious sentiments. The non religious people receive death threats and also acts of violence against them.